F1 Summer Shutdown Team Impact & Rule Guide

F1 Summer Shutdown: Team Impact & Rule Guide


Discover how F1’s summer break affects teams and the regulations they must adhere to during this period.

What is the Formula 1 summer break and how is it organized for the teams?

It occurs after the last Grand Prix of July (or early August), so in 2024, following the Belgian F1 Grand Prix. Typically, teams start their break one week after the last Grand Prix to return a week before the first Grand Prix of the new term.

Article 21.8 of the sporting regulations states that for 14 days, F1 teams must shut down their factories. Development, design, or production of any kind of cars is not allowed during these 14 days.

Only the most basic activities—and departments with no direct involvement in car development—are allowed to continue. Teams often use this time for extensive cleaning of the factories, updating computers or machinery, and various maintenance tasks.

This rule ensures that personnel working for Formula 1 teams have some time off.

Staff are very busy during the winter—except between Christmas and New Year—putting the final touches on their new cars for the upcoming season.

Teams are not required to take their 14-day breaks simultaneously, but this is generally the case, varying by a few days depending on whether the factory closes on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday of the week following the Grand Prix.

Thus, some teams will close their doors tonight or over the weekend.

F1 Summer Shutdown Team Impact & Rule Guide

Exploring F1’s Summer Break: Teams & Rules Exploring F1’s Summer Break: Teams & Rules


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