Gasly Eyes Monaco Magic Amid Alpine Struggles

Gasly Seeks Monaco Miracle Despite Alpine Woes


Pierre Gasly, reflecting on Imola’s disappointments, aims for a turnaround in Monaco. He hopes to overcome Alpine’s current struggles with a standout performance.

Pierre Gasly reflects on a disappointing performance at the last Grand Prix in Imola, where he compromised his race chances by faltering in qualifying.

Given the competitiveness of the Alpine A524, the Frenchman was unlikely to score points regularly, a feat he hopes to achieve this week at Monaco, a circuit where almost anything is possible!

“I had mixed feelings when I left Imola on Sunday night. On one hand, it was a step in the right direction as I felt very comfortable in the car on Friday and Saturday. I was probably more in tune with the car than at any other time this season,” confides the Norman.

“But I made a small mistake in Q2 when it mattered. I was slightly distracted by another competitor in the last corners and misjudged my trajectory. That’s my fault, and it would have been interesting to see where we would have finished, as my Q1 time was very good and in the top ten. These are just minor details to correct, and I know we can do it as a team.”

“Sunday’s race was less positive, exposing the weaknesses of our package. We lacked the pace to do anything significant. There’s a lot to analyze, but it’s clearly not what we hoped for. We have an immediate chance to bounce back with a new race this weekend.”

And this new race is, of course, Monaco. Gasly is eager to shine despite the current weaknesses of his Alpine.

“It’s probably the closest event to France on the calendar, so even though it’s not a home race – that term is reserved for Charles [Leclerc] – it’s special for the team and us drivers with so much French support in Monaco.”

“It’s the race I look forward to the most all season. There are a lot of risks, but the reward is even sweeter, as the team experienced last year. I have unfinished business from twelve months ago, so I’m ready to get back behind the wheel.”

“It’s a legendary place, world-renowned, and the most iconic in motorsport. We’re going to work hard to get up to speed quickly and build confidence with the car during practice. From there, we’ll need a bit of magic on Saturday, and we’ll see where we stand at that point. I’m fully ready!”

Gasly Eyes Monaco Magic Amid Alpine Struggles. Gasly Eyes Monaco Magic Amid Alpine Struggles

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